Community Development
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, but a community may be as strong as its strong- est inhabitant. The success of a town is dependent on the unselfishness of its citizens; upon the willingness of at least a few to make the public good their private interest.
The traits of the individual in a small town have a much greater bearing upon the welfare of the com- munity than those of the individual in the large city. the process of working together to create and achieve locally owned visions and goals.
It is a planning and development approach that’s based on a set of core principles that (at a minimum) set vision and priorities by the people who live in that geographic community, put local voices in the lead, build on local strengths (rather than focus on problems), collaborate across sectors, is intentional and adaptable, and works to achieve systemic change rather than short-term projects.
Our Slogan
“Communit Development Begins with me”
OCOF inspire our partner communities with this slogan which is to say - Our lives, livelihoods, communities, and ecosystem would see a favorable development outcome based on what we do as a people”

- In order to achieve our Mission, we are in the short-medium term embarking on building the capacity of stakeholders to be effective and efficient.